Trivia Night is for FUN and FUNDRAISING
Every table of eight people is a team; you will collaborate to answer the questions. (No more than 8, please!)
The Team Captain is the designated speaker for your team.
Trivia Night questions and answers are selected by the Trivia Night committee. Answers used in the competition are the most commonly accepted answers.
Questions are categorized into nine general themes with ten questions per category. Categories may include pop culture, literature, music, entertainment, sports, history, movies, nature, science, technology, animals, current events, business, or totally meaningless facts:
Since this event has grown and we want to make sure each team receives their packets at the same time, we will ask that ‘one person’ from each table go to designated areas mentioned prior to trivia night beginning, to and pick up their packets prior to each round beginning.
Please do not open envelope until the Master of Ceremony instructs you to do so.
When instructed to do so, you may open your envelope to take out the sheet(s) of questions and begin. The Floor Monitors will immediately pick up the empty envelopes to be used for the next round.
You will have eight (8) minutes to complete the series of questions prior to time being called.
For every correct answer, the team scores 1 point. There are ten points available per category round for a total 100 possible points per team.
Do not worry about spelling, but you must have complete answers; no partial credit given! Answers must be legible to be counted.
At the end of each category round, you will hear a loud sound – meaning that time is up and the Floor Monitors will immediately come around to pick up the answer sheets and take them to the Judges’ table. Before the Master of Ceremony repeats the questions for the round with the answers, all answer sheets must be turned in.
The judges are merely human; all decisions are final!
Use of reference materials of any kind, cell phones, or laptops for researching answers is strictly prohibited. There will be baskets in the center of the table for your phones, etc. to go in. If you receive a call or need to make a call, you may do so by politely leaving the room. However, if it occurs during a question session, you may not return to your table until after the round is completed. The utilization of electronic devices to secure answers will result in your team being disqualified for that round.
Teams can purchase mulligans. Mulligans are used when the players on teams can use them to make up for questions missed. The cost for each mulligan is $1.00 each. A maximum of ten (10) mulligans per table can be purchase for the entire Trivia Night game for $10.00. One mulligan per round. Mulligans must be purchased prior to the Trivia Night Game starting.
TIE BREAKER: On the bottom of Answer Sheet #1, each team will indicate the total number of correct answers their team will score after 10 rounds out of 100. In the event of a tie, the team whose guess is closest to their total without going over will be the winner.
All alcoholic beverages will not be served after Round 8. Water will continue to be served. The Trivia Night team at St. John LaLande is concerned for your safety.